Miss Lewis & Mrs Harris/Mrs Southerton
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Burrows & Mrs Mansfield
Our aim in Year 1 is to have an enjoyable and exciting time whilst learning new skills. Each term sees us focusing on one main topic and wherever possible, subject areas are linked to these topics to provide a cross curricular approach. Please ensure that you read with your child each night and this is recorded in the reading diary. These should be brought back in to school on every Monday and Thursdayso the books can be changed.
Homework will be handed out on a Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday. It will consist of weekly spellings that are linked to a specfic phonics group and phase. Children will be tested on these the following Friday In addition we will alternate a piece of Maths or English homework and occasional a piece of homework that relates to the Science or a topic that the children are covering in school.
The children will have indoor PE on a Monday and outdoor PE on a Thursday. There many be some occasions where the day could change but we will always contact you either by letter or seesaw in advance.
Useful links:
http://ictgames.com/ - a variety of online literacy and maths games.